
By TynvdB

Washing away the the past

What might be the meaning of filling up the gap in this journal? Even the cause of not fulfilling my Journal-duty that Friday evening is forgotten. I can not remember what prevented me from writing. Was it the togetherness with Mischa? I do remember how the day started:

Washing away the aftermath of a “nice evening” with our neighbours. We visited them for the first time since we came to live here. Most time of the year they live in Thailand. Its too cold here in Holland. Recently I had heard that he had been a professional painter. So we were curious to see his work and hear more of their life-story.

He is a big strong man in his seventies, always deep brown. With a heavy voice. He did not start as a painter, after leaving school. Though he was clearly talented. First he went to sea as a mariner. Then he worked as a trucker and as a taxidriver. In Australia he had his technical education. And after lessons of a Dutch professional he started his own difficult way into painting: sea and landscapes in the classical Dutch style. He started his own gallery, where he also worked on restauration of old paintings.

We saw mostly photos of Gallions, Fisherboats and Landscapes. In winter with skaters. So wonderful to hear about his life adventure. And he still was a heavy winedrinker and smoker. That´s why we had to wash away all the smoke..a past that will not return, only remembered by photos and in writing afterwards..

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