
By SLPlearning

Where Does the Time Go?

Something I fear we all have in common are days when we just feel that we have no time to do everything we want or need to. In recent weeks I've often felt that there are simply not enough hours in the day to devote sufficient time to my daily work, let alone to make progress and meet deadlines that everyone else has. Like lots of my colleagues I'm also busy with family responsibilities, sporting, social commitments, voluntary work, and the totally legitimate wish to have some downtime in the pub or in front of the TV.

I've been feeling guilty about not getting enough time to blip properly but I know you all know what it's like. So thanks everyone for commenting, apologies for my lateness this last two months and here's to another blipday celebration. Oh I've also included the lyrics of a song by Julia Fordham as my quote for the day-have a listen on you tube it's a nice Friday song. Happy weekend everyone.

If I could have a pound for every moment I've spent worrying

On all the little things in life that frankly there's no hurrying

Then I would be a rich girl
I wanna be a rich girl soon

But going at this rate I think that it might take

Till there's life on the moon...
Where does the time go? Does anyone know?

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