
By Chook

Shut up, Eddie!

There is a ridiculous post-mortem about the men's moguls on the tele at the moment, with Eddie 'I'm so annoying' McGuire whinging and whining about ex-Canadian Aussie Dale Begg-Smith coming second to a Canadian. Goodness me. It isn't going to change anything, Eddie.... Stop being a sore loser.

Ok, whinge over.
Actually, maybe I'll whinge some more.

One of our neighbours dumped biscuit crumbs out their window all over my car this morning. Somehow the crumbs have made their way into every nook and cranny of the inside and the outside of the car. Apparently they're notorious for throwing food out the window... bread crumbs, nutrigrain, soggy milk-covered cereal... who does that??

Busy day at work. Didn't leave until 7pm. Quick stop on the way home as noticed a whole lot of girls rollerskating outside the Exhibition Buildings. Whistles, hot pants, bright stripey socks.... how very 70s... made me smile... pretty ordinary photo of it though...

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