A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The unplanned life of a planner.

Mad old day...will do my best to capture even a tenth of it.

Woke at 4am, dozed a little, phone rang, spoke to someone in the playground back home. Answered a few emails. Went back to sleep.

Woke for real at 6.30am. Up, breakfast, met Crystal for last minute prep. She headed off to the next venue to set up and I chatted to the hotel bell captain and doormen as we waited for the US Navy to arrive. It was all a little surreal.

Arrive they did, we checked them in and then herded them off to the event venue to start a day of widely varied activities. I'd love to tell you what we did but then I would have to kill you. So I won't. Though that does remind me that at some point it was casually mentioned to me that at least two of the participants were "packing" which sent my British sensibilities through the roof.

Many hours later we found ourselves at this place which is actually a very fabulous Italian restaurant called Locanda Vini e Olii. Highly recommended.

A nightcap in the bar and now to bed before an early start, though hopefully not 4am .

Lesley x

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