Parrots in the park!

Hello my friends ! Here is too hot for me. We went to the beach to relax and swimming a little bit with the family. My brother in law is worried about the operation so we try to keep him busy.
We went around the park where there are many little parrots in the trees and around the park. They escaped from the zoo many years ago and they reproduced around the city. There are many palm trees and a good warm climate so they are very happy there. I love them. I saw many couples in love and playing around but with my little camera I couldn't take better picture. This one is the one you can see them. They are very good camouflage in the park . Difficult to see them in the trees.
Thanks a lot for the comments about my painting. I hope in the end I will be happy with the result.
Have a nice day everybody and keep smiling.

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