
By bivbov


When he's not running around madly at the playground, or on the football / rugby pitch, ZQ moves very little! He's a "peel me a grape" kind of boy. He loves his iPad a little too much, and insists that it is perfectly possible to use it and watch TV at the same time, although it is not possible to have a conversation (or, for that matter, hear human voices) when doing either of those two things. He's a good boy really!!!

Today I took the boys to visit my Mum, about an hour away from here, while GravyC did some work. My Mum is blind and lives on her own. She is normally self sufficient, but she hurt her back about 8 weeks ago and has been laid up in bed through the summer. When we saw her last Friday she managed to get up for a while but was using a frame to get around. I was really pleased to see her walking independently when we popped round today. It was also good to see her eat something as she's lost a lot of weight.

Once we got home GravyC took the boys to the "flayground" (not as bad as it sounds!) to let off steam. I had a little sleep and woke up feeling quite unwell. Hopefully it will pass....

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