Fairy steps.
Today was an important day. Having developed a double vision problem last December, I have not driven the car for nine months. Of course I have a good driver who has even driven for us in the Pyrenees. I now have DVLA authority to drive with one eye so long as the other eye is covered up.
So I drove from home to the Garden Centre quite comfortably. Then I walked back through woods and meadows in beautiful weather. My route took me down the Fairy Steps. This is a narrow staircase down through a limestone cliff. It was used in past times as part of the coffin route. The dear departed had to be taken to Beetham for burial as Arnside had no consecrated ground. Their are rings in the cleft used for hauling coffins up the defile.
Legend has it that if you can go up or down the steps without touching the sides you will see a Fairy and be granted a wish. Did I manage it? Fat chance!
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