Childhood Dreams

Walked the Coffin Trail this morning, from Grasmere to Rydal - Rick couldn't get through on his Boma (an all-terrain wheelchair), so only s-i-l and I carried on, rewarding oursleves with a coffee at Rydal Mount - one of Wordsworth's residences. Such a perfect sunny spot, surrounded by gardens, which we had no time to go round.

This afternoon, fulfilled one of my husband's childhood dreams - went on the speedboat and landed on "Wild Cat Island" aka Ramp Holme, of Swallows and Amazons fame. It's not the same as in the books, but in about the right location, and definitely not a place to camp as it's thick with bird muck and feathers, so will also be thick with mites. Also landed in "Rio Bay" for cakes to go with our coffee that we had, rocking off a buoy in the sunshine.

Missed my kids - they would have loved it.

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