
By kevinG

Put on a Pedestal

Woke up and took a shower.

PB&J waffle sandwich for breakfast.

Dropped stuff at Old Mill.

School. First period jogged in Gym.

Quiz in English.

Mirror exercise in Drama.

Learned about cameras in Photo. Picture is of me sitting on a pillar. It was taken with a pinhole can camera outside school. Credit to Joe LiPuma for taking the pinhole photo and credit to Iva for taking the photo of the photo and inverting it on her phone.

Paige's dad drove me home.

Fell asleep on the couch and took a long nap.

Biked to Crossfit.

“Tabata Fight Gone Bad”
Wall Ball (10 pound ball), for reps
Sumo Deadlift High-pull (forgot my weight), for reps
Box Jump, for reps
Push Press (forgot weight), for reps
Row, for calories
For total points (count reps + calories)
Tabata intervals (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest x 8 rounds) for each exercise, with no rest between exercises.
My score was 203.

Biked back. Left my phone there accidentally (hence this being late).

Watched TV. Ate food.


Going to bed now.


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