
Out of Barcelona for the day to Montserrat.

A variety of modes of travel. Metro line to Barcelona station, regional train to regional station, cable car to Montserrat, funicular railway into the mountains and then Shank's pony.

It was a brilliant day full of stunning views. The climb was arduous (for me). Ellen decided to leave it for me to do it on my own. As I was working my way to the top, I received encouraging words from younger people going down. 'Its not far' they said.

I began to realise that young people think of the term 'far' very differently from me. For example, for them pension age is so 'far' away it is not worthy of consideration at the moment. Whereas pension age for me is here.

Coming down a mountain, the top is, of course, not far for them. They'd been there. But it was far for me.

At one point, one young couple asked if I was OK.

As I joined him on the summit, another other said 'well done' while nonchalantly taking another puff from a cigarette while knowing full well that I could not reply.

This shot confirms I got there. And got down safely and full of wonder.

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