September Selfie No. 10

Following on from yesterday, after another eventful night, Geoff decided to take me to A & E this morning. I know if the doctor hadn't mentioned this yesterday it wouldn't have crossed his mind. Too tired to argue and slightly concerned I went, complete in pyjamas, dressing gown and flip flops.

After been checked in I was put in a private room with a comode, whole other story, and the first thing I was told was not to take the tablets the doctor had given me, unfortunately I had taken one at 06:00 and this was 07:00.

Had the usual fun of trying to get a cannula in me, made all the harder with me being dehydrated. After trying both arms he went to get his college who put one in my hand, took the necessary bloods.

Tried to set up a drip but the cannula didn't work. In the end it was decided that as long as I could cope the best thing would be to go home drinks loads of water, take paracetamol and keep resting. They didn't want me in infecting others or me catching anything while I'm low.

The photo is how I spent the afternoon trying to get warm, I had my pyjamas, dressing gown, and blanket on but was still freezing.

As you may have gathered I am, oddly, feeling a bit brighter tonight, not sure if it is stopping the tablets, drinking more, or what but who cares, hopefully onward and upward, and who couldn't smile when they see this mischievous face!

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