
By MamaOfBoys

Wishing and waiting

I am sending out wishes to the universe. For things to arrive. For answers. For some positivity to come to us (mainly me)and probably the most important-the ability to be patient. Something i need to learn. Patience.

You see...
I'm not the most patient person and its my downfall, i am able to see but ive been waiting on a few things that I'm feeling agitated over until i they are resolved.

I'm waiting on our new card to arrive which has all our money on it- it should have arrived by now said the bank, we called them a week ago to get a new one. It hasn't arrived. Its making me impatient as that's our allocated spending money post bills and rent. And there are things that are needed but i cant get them until it arrives. Talk about frustrating- and just to rub it in countdown sent me an email with $1 delivery on groceries.... which i cant buy until the card arrives.

Next is Kanyes Jeff Wiggles doll. I bought it 3 weeks ago- the Australian company have said it should have arrived by now... but it hasn't, this frustrates me. A lot.

Next is the results of the application we sent in to the lotteries commission about a car... waiting, waiting, waiting. This probably agitates me the least.

The one that probably is getting me the most is our landlords final decision on what his plans are for the flat , he said he'd let us know by the end of the week but hes not really one to have the best keeping to time skill. I really feel like i'm on hold until he says what hes going to do. He has said that he wont kick us out and we'll have most of next year to find somewhere else but that could change, the uncertainty is eating me. A lot of things have gone through my mind about the flat- options- that none of can be achieved by us without winning lotto.

Luckily though today i got some relief as I've been waiting for these cloth nappies i bought off trade me to get here. I got such a deal with them. 12 for $30. Cloth nappies new usually retail for $15 to $30 each so i'm really pleased. I love using cloth nappies on Harper just as i did with Marley. I also get the boys disposable nappies (Kanyes day/night and Harper's night time) taken away to be composted... Happiness for the environment.

The man from the halberg trust came yesterday to see about a trike for Kanye, he doesn't meet the criteria- so that's that then. He said just from looking at him he doesn't have physical disabilities, hearing or vision impairment which are the areas he would need to fall into to meet criteria. Boo. Oh well. Was worth a shot i guess.

Sound like a bit of grinch today hey?... I know i am. I just feel restless with all of this waiting, i'm no good at it. So please send me or the universe wishes for answers and arrivals.

And hey at least the suns shining.

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