GNR 2014

I last did the Great North Run 18 years ago.

I've been looking forward to this weekend for a long time and I was determined to enjoy myself and not put myself under any pressure. I can honestly say that I was true to my word and ran a very sensible race banging out back to back 5km splits with my last 1km being the fastest of the entire 21.1km. Okay so my time wasn't particularly quick for me but the aim was to pace myself properly and enjoy the day, which I managed to do - hurrah!

I was quite shocked when I saw the final results as out of approx. 57,000 people my results were:

Overall finishing position: 1556th
Age group and gender: 10th
Overall female: 85th

I'm pretty pleased with those stats.

It was lovely having my family there to support me as my parents took my kids to approx. the half way point and it was exciting for us all to see each other. Mum got emotional, of course! Hubby was there at the end waiting for me, although he missed me as it's nearly impossible to make any one out in the masses of runners.

We dashed home as quickly as we could as the metro was heaving. A very quick shower and some food and then back to the airport to catch our flight.

It was a brilliant weekend for us and I shall treasure the memories.

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