blip art :: xb

By xb

236 [van go?]

Normally when vans get dirty, they get graffitied with slogans such as 'Clean Me!', or 'I wish my girlfriend was this dirty'. Today, I saw this van where someone had gone to the effort of drawing an entire scene from what looks like The Simpsons meets Godzilla.

Another day of football today with two games on the ITV website. It seems that living in Scotland is a crime, and the punishment is watching re-runs of Poirot instead of live FA Cup football.

On the Valentine's front, it's sent nil, received nil for me. Some might say I've broken even. Others would say a 'no score' draw. :)

It's also the Chinese New Year today, so Happy New Year everyone. As Tony might say, I hope the Year of the Tiger is Grrrrrreat!

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