An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

In the Pink...

Not quite, but I'm getting there.

Another night of coughing and general wakefulness but in spite of that, I actually feel a bit better today. Head feels clearer and not sneezing every two minutes AND I can taste my food again. Hooray! Although I'd soon be a skinny malinky if I didn't have a sense of taste. I mean what's the point in eating if you can't taste the flavour of the food?!!

Other than that, I wish I had something witty, funny or interesting to tell you. But I don't.

What I shall do instead is share with you one of the songs I've been listening to on You Tube during a nostalgic trip through the early 80s. THIS ONE stayed with me. Still singing it. :D

PS This shot isn't a colour splash. The grey is the colour of the weathered wood of my garden table. Like the colour of autumn against it. I may just have the start of a wee series :)

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