Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Afternoon Tea

I met Brian after I'd finished work so that we could do lunch. He's off all week and it's birthday on Thursday. We tried out tea rooms where neither of us had been to in years. It was okay. Brian looks like a giant at the counter there but I think the people next to him were short as well!

I went to meet Jed from school as we were due to attend a garden club together there....only it had been cancelled without us being informed. Great! ! I'd swapped days at work, arranged for my Mum to look after my other two sons and rushed my dinner with Brian for this cancelled club! Jed wasn't bothered either way.

After getting the boys their teas I had a quick walk with Hovis. We saw a little dog and I tried to grab him but he ran off towards the road and my heart was in my mouth. It turned out that a lady had taken her dogs for a walk and they had both ran off! Her Irish Water Spaniel was still missing after running off at 10.30am. It's a 5 month old puppy so anything could've happened to it. Hopefully someone will have taken it to a dogs home. We swapped numbers incase I saw them dog during my walk and she said she'd let me know if the pup turns up. Fingers crossed.

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