Texture Tuesday

Common Name
Everlasting Daisy

Stem Length
30 to 50 cm

Country Of Origin
Australia: WA

Available Colours
Pink, Red, White, Yellow

General Description/History
Everlastings are annual flowers that are endemic to WA and make up a large part of the spectacular wildflower display that occur every spring.
The name is a reference to the fact that they make excellent dried flowers, and do seem to last forever.
Flowers are typically daisy-like and consist of red, pink or white papery bracts surrounding a yellow centre.

Everlastings are either harvested from the bush or grown in the field.
Most are grown in WA.

Interesting Facts about this Flower
The name Rhodanthe is derived from the Greek words ‘rhodon’, rose and anthos, flower.

Quite spectacular is this little paper daisy flower when they are in a mass, we pass many on our travels through the country.
This one isn't fully opened yet, I quite liked the texture of it for today's challenge.

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