random rancid rambles

By rancidand


Went for a walk. After last nights event I was warned not to go out, especially not to where any groups of people might be. So I thought I'd trot over the river and do the circuit I was planning anyway. I got close to where the road was closed and there were tv satellite vans everywhere.

As I was approaching the barrier the police decided to chase the onlookers. As they all charged past me I decided to hold my ground and stand between two tv vans. This gave me a very good view of the police punching a guy in the face, then hitting him lots with sticks, then dragging him off - all pursued by camera men. When this was over I continued walking towards the barrier, then took a left to avoid it, which happened to be the street with the Osho Ashram on - very close indeed.

As I approached I got interviewed by tv. A little one sided though:
Did you like the bakery, don't know - never been there
What do you think of the ashram, don't know - never been there
Whats your name - don't know (thats a joke but I refused to tell them since I don't want to be on tv disobeying instructions)

My walk had been extended by the detour and I was thirsty again so I selected a very indian looking cafe with no tourists and had a dosa and soda. Then had a discussion in the hardware shop about what a pestle and mortar is. When I raised the point that surely their mothers used this simple tool to grind spices they sent me to the electrical department. Looks like I need a street market where real indians shop. I also founf out that there are two types of chana (chick peas) so I went for the one that looked familiar. Also found a haldi root, no idea how it gets turned into turmeric powder but I'll use it like ginger cos thats what it looks like.

So I'm walking back to the apartment with a sweeping brush and the HR guys hoot me from a car. They were very polite and didn't tell me off, they have been visiting all the companies ex-pats, and telling them all to stay indoors for a couple of days. I changed the subject with questions on the gym and putting out rubbish.

Sorry to any of my normal subscribers about the length of this. Its just that I am so useless at communicating with family and friends that they have started following my blip to find out what I am up to.

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