and then i saw...

By CheeCheeANam

The laziest of Sunday's

Its 15:19 I'm here sat in me dressing gown, the laziest of Sunday's
Its fair enough I was up quite late last night, whirling creative magic by way of a crochet hook plus trying to fend off a migraine which had been whispering its threats in my head all day yesterday: (
However "Yeeeah I won", migraine subsided and retreated to the corner, no doubt to work on plans to try and attack my head some other time.

So with mobile in hand today, I hobble around snapping this snapping that, trying this setting and that setting, loading up many photos and scrutinizing which gets shortlisted, back and forth deleting them ruthlessly, as I go along.
Was it worth it? hmmm I think its not bad. I'm enjoying myself and I guess for me that's what counts.

ok finally off to the bathroom I go,

Have a lovely day/evening ladies and gentlemen

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