Propeller Blade

Mostly cloudy today and a bitter drop in the air temperature with a northern breeze.

A fairly quiet day at work today but colleague Christine was in and I was getting help from her naming folk on our photo database. Also using the power of Facebook, it's a great place when used right and great for naming old photos, good fun too :)
Working later in the pub and frightened it might be busy like last night when the Scotland match was on, now the England match and it'll be full of those oil workers!

One hundred years ago today the HMS Oceanic ran aground on the Shaalds Of Hoevdi Grund, Foula and three weeks later it was destroyed in a storm. 600 men were rescued from the ship by an Aberdeen trawler Glenogil with no men lost including two men from Shetland. I often wonder what it must have been like for the poor crofters gathering luxury furniture and goods from the shores. This is one of the propeller blades from the Oceanic that used to sit outside the old museum and now outside the new museum at Hay's Dock. We also have an exhibition on at the museum about World War One including more artifacts from her.

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