
By beckie

Today I learnt a very valuable life lesson...

Never annoy a car salesman...

Especially when you require him to sort out the broken car he sold you & you ask for a courtesy car while it's being sorted....!!!

'Sorry, but will you be ok with a Pink KA..?
'eeeermm ... Ha haa.. There's not really any polite way to answer that question..!!!!'

He goes off, and drives this out from round the back...

'Oh my good god... Are you having a laugh..??'

This collection of images doesn't even come close to showing off this cars true pink-ness..!!
I've never seen anything quite like it!

The paint job looks like it's been done with a cheap can of spray paint, by a child, there are hello kitty seatbelt shoulder pads & matching steering wheel cover, the blingy-ist pink car mats I've ever seen & drum n'bass stickers in every window!!
Oh, and a radio that seems to double up as disco lights.. Set to Kiss FM of course..!!

My idea of hell!

Fingers crossed my little new Polo is fixed soon!!

I don't really want to be see driving around in this..!

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