A gorgeous sunny day again and I couldn't resist the urge to take advantage of it at the nature reserve. The dragonflies were all zipping around and I swear I could hear them making fighter plane noises - they looked like they were having great fun - I certainly was, trying to snap them ;-)))
The small village show is coming up at the weekend and I usually enter the photography section just for fun but I am having a real problem this year as one of the classes is 'Creepy Crawlies' and I just can't choose an entry from all the ones I have taken, so quite a lot of my time on the laptop over the last few days has been spent mulling over choices, which has put be behind with my comments, sorry. To be honest I will be glad when it's all over and I can stop looking for unusual creepy crawlies in strange positions or doing something funny, and get back to some sort of normality......... but meanwhile ...............it's back to the insects ;-))))
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