Tackle your Tackle.

When we pulled in to the gym car park this morning, i saw this mobile " Man van "parked in the lay by. I have never seen one like this before, but what a great idea. I thought to myself , i will blip that when i come out, and as you can see i did. It wasn't an ideal place to take a photograph, as there were cars parked so close and the sun was shining in my eyes. As soon as i had taken a few photos J came to pick me up. When we were pulling out of the car park someone shouted and waved to us. J stopped and we saw it was a good friend of ours who has prostrate cancer. He was waiting for his wife who was in the hydro pool.. He got out of his car to have a chat, and we were shocked to see how thin he was. We asked him how he was, and he said that he was going to Velindre ( it's our nearest cancer hospital) this afternoon to see his consultant. On his last visit ,the consultant told him that they can't do anything more for him, as it has gone into his bones. He is such a great guy who really doesn't deserve this cruel disease. This Man Van has arrived too late for Dan!

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