It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Twitchy Legs

It was a restless sleep with twitchy legs. I kinda fancied a swim down at Portobello but Rosemary's preference was a long lie. After breakfast, we set out for a bike positioning session down on the prom at Cramond. It was a bit rubbish as the seat mast on the time trial bike she had bought from a friend was a little low. It should be solvable. Just a few calls during the week to get a part should do it.

Back to the house for lunch! I made scones, they didn't rise optimally but they were still tasty. I always get 'a face' for falling sleeping at strange times. Without warning, Rosemary fell asleep on the sofa. When she awoke, we ran up to the bike shop at Fountain Bridge, along the Waters of Leith, Stockbridge and up through Dean Village. My legs were a bit funny on the steep cobbled climb after yesterday's exertions.

After the bike shop we had the choice of a bus or to run back and chose the latter. Much as Edinburgh buses are pretty good, I always feel sick travelling on the things. Pace was relatively relaxed but I still struggled a little inside Inverleith Park. Still, when we got to the cycle path, I decided to up the pace as it's good triathlon training to occasionally run fast with wobbly legs as it replicates a race feeling.

I slowed a little to let Rosemary catch up and she had 'that look' suggesting I had pee'd her off a tad! She then upped the pace to a pretty hard one. Every time she sensed me speeding up, she did so too. Gahh.....above race pace now! She was confident of victory as there was a dip followed by a sharp rise under a bridge. We're comparable for straight line speed but at 20kg lighter, I'm never going to win on a hill. My legs crumpled and that was that. All good fun. Marion, R's neighbour saw us again and you could tell she think's we're daft! She only sees us exercising!

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