Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Shell Blip

Arrived home late last night and uploaded some blips from the weeks vacation. Today went back to the hospital to sort through the problems arising in my absence. My colleague has everything in hand, I'm not indispensable.
Came back home and needed to blip (new verb for Webster's Unabridged).
Last night getting in the caravan, Z said something smelled "off". Sure enough on unloading the shells and stones from the beach found some old mussels inside a welk that were a tad ripe. This afternoon, overwhelmed with feelings of impermanence and inconsequentiality I dumped the beach stones onto a table outside and staged this beach scene. Definitely having beach vacation withdrawal.
Shell blip is probably close to flower blip for all you manly types out there. Sorry but needed a blip, manly or not.

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