Catching up with the news at Burston

Today was the annual Burston Strike School Rally on the village green in the tiny village of Burston, just outside Diss and this year it marked the 100th anniversary of the start of the strike, the longest strike in history.

It was a glorious day and included speakers (Owen Jones and Jeremy Corbyn) and music from veteran folk musician Roy Bailey and other bands. There were at least two brass bands, and the traditional march around the village with people carrying beautiful Trade Union banners. Lots of trade union stalls, campaign stalls and lots of jam for sale. Some Burston Strike beer but no bread and roses.

This chap is reading a copy of the Morning Star, which ran a full front page story on the People's March for the NHS, which ended in London yesterday and was the subject of my entry.

You can see more of my Burston photos here.

I was nackered when I got home, as was Roland as he had spent a couple of days at the Green Party conference so we'll have a proper catchup on Monday evening.

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