
By WharfedaleBex

Dent & Whernside

There are so many lovely things about the arrival of autumn including not having to get up as early to catch the beautiful light!

I woke at 6am this morning and set off at quarter to seven with the light just starting to hit the tops of the hills. Despite the pure blue sky forecast, I was hoping to see fluffy mist clouds rising from the valleys this morning and I wasn't disappointed.

I had decided to take a route up Whernside which I'd never walked up before, from Dent. It involved a pleasant walk along the river before beginning the climb up hill. With my boots needing reproofing and the grass being soaking, trench foot set in early. But the light was beautiful so I cared little.

As seems usual for this time in the morning, no-one was about. The lower tarn on the Dent side of Whernside was stunning - an absolute mill pond with the blue sky reflected in it. By the time I was on top, the lower clouds I'd walked through on the way up had risen above my head and it felt rather good to stand on top with no-one else.

I dropped down into Kingsdale before picking up the track that skirts at a high level all the way back round to Dent. Spotting a group of five buzzards quite close by, I was about to see if I could get a photo when I disappeared up to my shin in gloopy mud - so much for me hoping my feet would dry out on the track back! My little surprised cursing exclamation sent them packing pretty quickly - that'll teach me!

It was about 12 miles and I felt quite jaded by the time I got back to the van as the track was boggy and needed careful route picking much of the way back. I lined up two mugs of coffee to have with my sandwich before I set off home.

The journey back was beautiful via Kirkby Lonsdale - a road I may have cycled on but quite a long time ago. What I noticed was the wooded valley that gave a little feel of how England might have looked many years ago.

Today was inspired by a fellow blipper who posted a beautiful photo of Deepdale a few weeks ago. It was well worth the visit so thank you very much and I wish I could remember who it was.

UPDATE: My thanks to Jue. I found you!

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