Stevens Shots

By StevenC44


Hi everyone!

I went into Edinburgh with my friends today! We went straight from school, so I got changed there, and left everything in my locker, including my school bag and uniform. Did not think that one through...

Overall the whole thing was ok, but I ended up leaving quite early, as I really wasn't in the right mood for socialising, and there was a girl there who I can't stand!

When I got back, I went I my sisters house instead if going home, and I decided to trick my mum into thinking I was in Glasgow! (Not really a place for an unescorted 17 year old to be on a Friday night). I got a 'selfie' with a picture of one of the train stations on the tv behind me! (Which is this picture). Obviously she fell for it, but eventually my sister made me tell her that I was perfectly safe and was just sitting in her house less than 5 minutes away :D

Have a good weekend!

Steven :)

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