An Artist's Life

By MariB

From the gardens

Don't we just love this time of year....pickin's off the vines and trees. Still too warm for those belly-busting stews, but salads are crispy bright and fruit desserts are the mode o' day. Pity it all comes in such a rush. Our weather patterns dictate picking tomatoes this coming week or they are lost. A hard freeze is forecast so I'll pop over to the neighbors and relieve them of some of their crop. Daytime temps are still in the 70s-80s.

I'm waiting for those luscious colors to appear...trees aflame with reds and gold, bushes on fire with color, birds drunk on overripe berries, bears rolling on their fat bellies. The elk are singing their love songs. The coyotes join the hoot owls at night with mournful tunes. Sometimes I join them and smile when they answer. They are all welcome here.

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