
By kevinG

Title Block

Woke up and took a shower.

PB&J for breakfast.

Dad drove me to Crossfit.


Two rounds, of each couplet, for time of:

500 meter Row
50 Push-ups
20 Thrusters
20 Pull-ups

My results were dismal but whatever.

Dad picked me up and we went back to Park.

Taylor was there with Luca and her three nieces, Abby, Nikki, and Sophia. She made burgers and I had part of one.

Dad drove me back to Old Mill.

Went to Brownstones with Mom and Lauren. I ate chocolate chip pancakes.

Chilled for the rest of the day. Watched TV. Internet. Picture taken of Millie in the backyard. She runs really fast.

Ate a grilled cheese and tomato soup late at night.

Going to bed now.


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