N. Mississippi Ave. The crisscross of freeway traffic and the flying off and on ramps of the Fremont Bridge slicing up the downtown skyline view.
Quick, pull the car over I want to get out and take a shot of that view. I hopped out with my camera expecting to be just a few seconds.... As I was standing and focusing there was a voice behind me:
Man: You have a good eye. This is my favorite view in Portland.
Me: It's great, isn't it? I've been meaning to photograph it every time we come down this hill.
Man: I love it. Look at that empty lot behind you up the hill, imagine living there and having this as your view.
Me: It looks like construction is coming, there's a sign... (a real estate sign covered in tags)
Man: Nah, that sign's been there for 7 years!
Me: Oh wow, well, cool. Perhaps it'll stay nice and empty for you so you can see the view for a while longer...
Man: Hope so. At least until I can buy the land!
I love random conversations like this. We stood and chatted a bit longer about stuff then wished each other a great afternoon and he headed on down the hill continuing his daily walk, he's on the right with his backpack and bottle of water. I took another couple of shots making sure he was in the scene before getting back into the car. I really wanted to ask him if I could take his portrait with the view but it could have ruined the nice conversation, if I bump into him again I will.
Best viewed in large.
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