Manga Sale in the Library
I do regret not taking more pictures today in the bright sunlight, but I was having so much fun in the library, sitting on the sofa and reading all types of books, watching people pass by outside, and then going out myself and sitting in the park to read and eat. that I did not give enough attention to photography.
It's been months since I've been to Stroud library, so today was a bit of a treat. It's slightly off the beaten track, which is why I tend not to pop in after work. It was quiet today, and no-one bought any of the Manga on sale.
I don't know Manga, and I don't read comics for children or adults, though the odd cartoon does not go amiss. I've always found writing on its own much easier to process. Possibly only one hemisphere of my brain can function at one time. Who knows? I seem to remember attending a talk on 'hemi-sync' in the early 90s, which suggested that by listening to certain tapes, one could get one's brain into Alpha rhythms and presumably synchronise the 'spheres. Maybe that's where I went wrong: I never bought the tapes!
By the time I'd got home and hung up the washing on the line and done a few chores, the lovely sunshine had disappeared! So, no hammock-lying for me. Lay down in the bed instead. My left leg seems to stiffen up again when I lie down, so maybe it's not fixed after all.
The cinema still had not found my phone today, but the cheap replacement I ordered should come tomorrow. It won't have a SIM, but hey ho....! CleanSteve cooked a lovely stir fry red curry with seafood for supper, and then we watched a political thriller called The Ides of March. Tomorrow we hope to visit the Abbey Gardens at Malmesbury.
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