The day disappeared

Started early to take the car to the garage.
Bit of a palaver as the manager had turned up without his keys - so at 9am, one of the servicing team apologised for keeping us waiting for 25 minutes, took my keys and told me they would ring when ready.

Then Corin got a call for a mercy dash to Crewe to do some emergency plumbing for Dangerous Dave and his bathroom ripout.

He came back just after 10pm!

I have managed to squeeze in a few hours work, some shopping and a 5k run.

Lovely long chat with my Dad and Ann this evening and a plan for Ann to come with me to my next hospital appointment in order to ensure that I say my piece without forgetting anything and to have someone stand firm for me when I am about to crumble. I feel quite positive right now, knowing that I have that support.

All in all, not a bad day - certainly not the crash and burn I was expecting it to be.

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