Lali's World

By Lali

Vintage car from my window

I took this picture just before I left my flat to go to work. I liked the vintage car parked in front and I just took a picture of it.

I was feeling really tired today because last night I stayed till late (1.30am) waiting for my second cake to bake, and I had to wake up early for work. I somehow survived a very busy day feeling rather sleepy...

I had another cake to bake after work, so that's what I've been doing this evening so far. I'll try and go to bed early today because I'm knackered. Only one more cake to bake and I'll have the four tiers. These sponges keep very well frozen, which really helps because there's no way I could have baked all those four cakes in one day!!

The wedding is next Friday and I'm getting a bit nervous now about the photography part of it. (For those who haven't been following my blips, I've been asked to be the photographer too!)

Anyway... back to work tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments about my abstract yesterday. I didn't expect such a good response to it, it was a bit of a surprise, I have to admit. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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