
By Mindseye

Dramatic skies

Today started off wet and grey. A short walk to get the morning paper required waterproofs and a brollie! It dried up gradually during the afternoon but still flat grey skies. By 6ish we decided another short walk was needed to stretch our legs after a lazy afternoon around the house. I took my camera and took a few shots by the duck pond. Got home checked the images, nothing to get excited about but chose one that would be my blip for today. We finished our prawn and smoked salmon pasta and my hub went off in to the kitchen to load the dishwasher whilst I faffed with my images.........next thing "Sue, have you seen this sky?!" Wow how things can change in just a few minutes, memory card back in the camera, flew upstairs, next doors dog barking like made, at me, hanging out of the back bedroom window, taking pictures of the most fantastic sky! Hope you like :-)

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