Nil Desperandum

By PhilA

Mirador Del Rio

Forgive the vanity of posting a blip of myself (taken by a kind German tourist in exchange for the same of him & his girlfriend) but I had a great ride up to Mirador del Rio in Lanzarote.
I missed much better photos of families collecting grapes in the Geria regions simply because I was 'rolling' along very nicely thank you and didn't want to stop. I regret that very much now.
'Lanza grotty ' it may well be to a lot of people but like many holiday destinations they can be a bit grotty around the edges but the effort to head inland, I find , is always rewarded and offers a true reflection of the place.
I stopped and had a remarkably inexpensive coffee & cake at a rural coffee stop which was very rewarding in both the conversation I had with the owner as well as observing the interaction of the locals as they came & went.

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