Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Hello all.

know I haven't been on but my laptop is slowly dying so really I take my chances each day with it. I will be getting a new one in a few weeks so it won't be so horrendous.

I haven't really been up too much. I've been to my meditation this week which was nice, just me telling someone about all the crap I think about and she tells me to breathe more. Oh, I did go shopping for all my uni things which was good, I got all my pencils and lunch box and things. Very exciting, even if I really don't want to go.

Speaking of uni, because I work in a place where there are lots of young folk, we tend to see lots of teenagers come and go with uni and summer jobs and things. This year is my generation of people off to uni (well, sort of). And it was a bit sad not seeing everyone again when they all move away. Especially my darling Ellena who has been my friend every since a started a few years ago. Bless her, she'll do so well.

I hope I make friends and I'm not just left alone with all of my heartbroken thoughts. By the way, it's been 5 weeks since it all ended and I'm probably a 3.5/10 with sadness. It dabbles between 3.5-5.0. In case any of you were wondering.

Happy Blipping.

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