
By TynvdB

Little Ballad of the Catamaran

Tell me you, double barque,
your fine-pointed sailing
tale, tell me about the swell
of the easy grey seas, of the
dark green depths that will
spew out their bellies full
of blue jellyfish wafting into
the revolving surf, leaving
Medusa's masks glassy
eyed on the watery sands.

Come, tell me you wind
seeking coffins with your
razor sharp sword, cutting
the understream, keeping
the balance, how do you
sense all that rippling so
fearless, so rocking yet
so serene, saviour of the
helmsmen, intertwining
and knotting the raftwork
that saves us for sinking
and drowning in mariners
mares. Tell me, your two
folded unit, how to reach
for that ultimate Zenith your
Masterly Finger is pointing
at, trembling as a needle
around Zero, tell me about
Final Direction, your twin of
prows, Oh yes, tell me twice!


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