
None of us scored a six, but F1 loved his 6th birthday and all the prezzies, even the cricket set. The Husband took him to the cinema to see How to Train a Dragon 2, with F2.

F1 spent all morning making his lego set all on his own and has played with it all evening.

This time six years ago I already had a baby F1 in my arms after his rather hurried arrival. I believed that I went into labour in Burger King before going to the cinema (Rock n Roller). I asked the manager (a sixteen year old scared looking chap) whether we could have a refund on our tickets due to the baby being on the way and I think he agreed just to stop it arriving in the foyer. We went home, contractions still nothing special then my waters broke at midnight. The hospital told me to come in for a look.
They looked and told me that I wasn't in labour, my waters hadn't gone "baby was probably on your bladder" and to go home "as it's your first he won't be a week early".

Went home, had a bath, watched a Big Brother final and had a sleep. At about 6am I casually told the Husband that something was definitely happening so he went and fed the neighbours cat, had breakfast and hung the laundry and off we went back to hospital. I walked in whilst the Husband parked the car. The midwife was cross as she thought I wasn't in labour and sent me to a side room to wait and be checked. After 10 mins she checked and went "DID YOU KNOW YOU'RE 10 CENTIMETRES AND PUSHING!!!????" . I was rushed into a delivery room (they wouldn't let me walk there) and he arrived 10 minutes later: perfect, 7lb8 and howling.

Birthday season:done.

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