
Laced Wyandotte cockerel .. and what a specimen he is! A real beauty!! One day I would love to have a flock of these chickens they are stunning. I spent a very happy half day at the Moreton Show. It is a proper farming show with all the livestock being judged in the morning a parade in the late afternoon (which I didnt stay for this time)masses of horse events and dog events. Tractors (pink ones) for sale and a chance for retail therapy along the country lines.. beautiful leather handbags and tweedy outfits.. I nearly bought Flossie a flat cap to wear.. but chickened out!! (Might be regretting that!) Flossie had a wonderful time too.. she met her first pig (wasn't impressed!) and came nose to beak with a chicken.. all very peaceful but her excitement built up inside until she did a little pounce movement (there was netting between them) but it had the desired effect and all the chickens leapt in the air before regathering their composure.. she also met and talked to all manner of dogs so we both had a wonderful day.

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