Here's looking at you ....
Olivia with her eyes open. I'm told she was deciding she wanted to stay awake.
Still basking in the glow of new 'grandparenthood'. At the end of the day at work yesterday we drank the bottle of dubious Pino Grigio that had been languishing in the fridge for a while and the team gave me a card. At night #2 son and I broke open a bottle of dubious Prosecco. I drank it though - the bay's head is 'wetted'!
The definite downside of the +7 time difference is that photographs ping in at 4 a.m. Lovely to have them though and one is a great pic of #1 son with his #1 daughter. I save them and forward them on to the family and unsuspecting friends. The new family are on their way home from Pantai Hospital now so maybe there will be time to squeeze in a call later.
But at home the world goes on. I swam this morning and have done a bit of tidying up. I want to garden but the weather isn't looking favourable so I think a redd out of the wardrobe calls.
A bit of kit is missing - I hope I left it in the office and I have teddies to finish too.
Enjoy your Saturday!
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