
This wee piwakawaka (fantail) showed up at my place this afternoon. I was inside reading and heard him through the window. He was having a lovely time flitting about and capturing sandflies - which he is welcome to. I did appreciate him entertaining me, and he didn't even mind when I whipped outside with the camera.

They're just so darned fast and I couldn't capture him in flight at all - in fact I couldn't even track him! So here he is sitting on a branch. I did get a couple with his tail fanned, but this one is better focused.

I had planned to head away for the weekend yesterday, then I postponed it until today, but I couldn't face it today either - especially after reading The Press.

I have no problem at all with them publishing details of the coroner's report, I just didn't expect to open the paper and see a huge photo of Blaze. I expected the article to be there, just expected it to be rather small and insignificant. The fact that they printed it is lovely, and a lovely tribute to him. And I'm pleased how clear they make it that Blaze was in no way at fault (because many people will have assumed that the motorcyclist was in the wrong - stereotypes being what they are).

I'm just not very strong at the moment and virtually anything is enough to trigger the sorrow.

Maybe I'll go for a drive tomorrow, just for the day.

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