Swimmers' Log Book



Thank you to everyone who helped make me feel very special today. Some highlights:

Heidi bringing me tea and a balloon in bed this morning.
Joe's card and gift - he knows me well!
Chloe's homemade card and support in school today.
Beautiful flowers and the NEW Brad Paisley CD from Doug.
A perfect plant from the McDobbs (assisted by Chloe and Doug??).
Promise of lunch with Cici and Tinks.
Friendly staff wishing me happy birthday.
My even friendlier Year 1 team who greeted me while on playground duty singing Happy Birthday and presenting me with gorgeous flowers and a bag full of pressies!
A card from one of my new pupils, whose Mum had seen that it was my birthday on the class Birthday's Board the day before.
Hot choc, choc covered raisins and an awesome card from Spiderboy!
Too much pizza with my family - love you all to bits!

Oh, and of course, my annual new tracksuit!!! Cosy days to come!!!

Perfect 38th Birthday.

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