
We are expecting old friends and backpacking buddies from days of yore soon. They moved to Houston years ago, and since OilMan refuses to go to Houston anymore (having practically commuted there at one point in his career), it's been a long time since we saw them last.

OilMan has announced that he wants everything "pristine", so Ozzie has had a bath, I have dusted and swept and he is up picking every single dead flower in the garden. While I was wondering how far to take this "pristine" notion, my friend Cindy asked me if I wanted to go to the wholesale flower place with her, so I decided the house was "good enough" and went off Sequoia Flowers with her.

They do have a huge, very cold room full of flowers, where I spent two minutes in my shorts and flip flops taking pictures, before going bad out into a warehouse full of vases, ribbon, glittery "thingies" on long stems (meant to be stuck in with the flowers, I suppose, but I subscribe to the notion that the flowers stand on their own) and silk flowers, leaves, branches and even a few trees.

Gracing all this, were three, er, Rubenesque ladies in jeans, bridal headgear and bright pink t-shirts labeled,"bride-to-be" and "bridesmaid". I was dying to take their picture, but just couldn't quite figure out how to ask. Since they were buying fresh flowers, I assume the wedding is imminent, and it seemed like they were having a good time (although I think I would have ditched the pink t-shirts!) I rather liked the fact that they seem to have avoided the "bridezilla" wedding extravaganza for something that seemed more manageable and fun.

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