The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Special friends

A pretty bonkers day really. I always say that but it really was.

Up early, dog walk and gym session. Into work, ran a session and then had non-stop mayhem. Interviews with BBC Radio Lincs, BBC Look North TV and Lincs FM, meetings and training sessions, emergency evacuation training using Evac chairs, juggling phone calls and meetings....

...then to find the lockers, chairs, pedestals, cupboards and medical room hadn't arrived. Nor had the sports kit. Might have topped me over the edge normally but I'm used to madness now. Back in tomorrow for some more deliveries...not ideal.

A session on mindfulness with a drama therapist that I'd booked went really well. Weird for some staff but really reflective and really positive. They headed to the pub for a drink and I worked until 7pm, then spend two and a half hours sorting useless mobile phones we had bought, B&Q bits to fix stuff and lock stuff and eventually got home after half nine. Girls weren't happy.

Up at 6am and into work to meet contractors at 7.30am and get my hair cut at 8!!

Got this card when I came home. Bloody love it!!

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