From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A bad time to spend a penny!

The day started quietly and I was even thinking of taking the afternoon off. That's always a signal for things to start falling apart at the seams!

I went out when it was still dark with the back light on at 6am and refilled the bird bath and all the feeders. I decided to rearrange things a bit just to make life a little more exciting for my feathered friends and swapped the long sunflower seed holder with the fat ball container at the other side.

That might not sound like much but I had no feathered visitors (except Lucky and Eric) until after lunch. The squirrels were totally unaffected by the change around and I had to use my cat soaker on them a couple of times to get them to leave the sunflower seeds alone...

It got so busy in the afternoon that I missed lunch altogether and ran upstairs desperate for the loo. I was quite horrified when my phone started ringing in my pocket. Where do you have to go for peace? Well anyone with half a braincell wouldn't have answered but you know me! I stupidly answered hoping it would be quick. Sadly it wasn't just a quickie from Stuart in HR about his absence report problem. Questions, questions, questions! It took a superhuman effort to stop mid flow to avoid making a waterfall noise betraying my whereabouts. It was excruciating, sat there clenching! I nearly cried when he said 'I'll give you a tinkle later.' I thought I was going to scream or burst or both!

Anyway, it all ended well in the end. The moral of the story here is to never have your phone in your pocket when visiting the bathroom..

Everything calmed down by 3pm thank goodness and I was able to get logged out by half past three. By that time, the rest of the birdies had rediscovered their usual favourite meals in the new location and the feeding station looked like a scene from the Battle of Britain.

I rather liked this picture of a naughty squirrel with his foot up before I got him with the super soaker. The little sod was back ten minutes later, undeterred.

Go large!

Track? I heard this on the radio today and found myself singing along. Hmmmm. That means rain with my singing. Anyway, this one from Chris Farlowe was a number one hit in 1966 but I prefer this version - Out Of Time

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