
By SoupDragon


A nice gesture which helped the morning along nicely.

It was an odd day on the animal front - I dropped in at home briefly at lunchtime and found a dead pigeon on the drive. Normally this was be a cause for minor celebration as feral pigeons are a pain around here. However this one had three leg rings which is definitely not normal for feral pigeons! A quick Googling revealed it to be a racing pigeon from Liverpool. Absolutely no idea why it is on my drive!

Then when I got home late in the evening the pooch was clearly still messing with her paw - I investigated and it has got a nasty swollen raw area by one of her pads. I have doused it in Savlon and am hoping she sleeps for long enough to settle it down a bit overnight so I can work out what it is. No point in a lampshade as she can still chew at her front paws with it on.

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