Intro dive & Snorkeling

Today we went to the reef on a sailboat as pictured above. After two hours of sailing we arrived at the reef where we were going to snorkel and I was going to dive. On our way there my boyfriend's shirt was all soaked because he got splashed with the water.

When entering the water we immediately saw fish and before most people got in the water my boyfriend and I already saw a green turtle swimming. Awesome! After about 15 minutes of snorkeling it was time for my intro dive! Woooh! Together with one other girl for whom it was also her intro dive and the instructor I went under water.

The coral was super beautiful and the dive was AWESOME! Maaan why did I never dive before? I have thought about it quite often but never really did it, but this was great. I also had a super nice instructor who showed us all kinds of stuff and was very friendly both beforehand and after the dive.

Afther the dive it was lunch time. Unfortunately my boyfriend had gotten a bit seasick from the trip so he wasn't very keen on eating. Right after lunch I went back into the water to snorkel some more. Initially my boyfriend came with me, but unfortunately he had to stop because he was not feeling so well.

The snorkeling was really nice too. I think both realy compliment each other because they give a different view on the coral and the life in the sea. All very pretty with wonderful colors and sea life! Wooooh!

On our way back, my boyfriend got a lot sicker and I also started to feel a little sick. Luckily it was much better (though for my boyfriend still not great) when we hit shore.

GREAT day with lots of beautiful coral, a green turtle, two different type of sharks, sea cucumbers, rays, really blue star fish, nemo/clown fish, and all kinds of other beautiful fish! Nature at it's best!

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