An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Head Start...

Woke up feeling restless and reckless this morning. Not a good way to be when you have a hair appointment booked for 12.45.

Sat in the salon, hair washed and when asked "just the usual tidy up?" I found myself saying "no thanks Hannah. I'd like it all chopped off please." She laughed then hesitated for a moment before saying "you're serious aren't you?!"

I was.

So now I have short hair again. Well shorter than it's been for a while. Really short at the back, so much so that she shaved my neck! She's left it a little longer at the sides just so i don't feel too much like a skinned rabbit. I think I like it. Just strange to look in the mirror and see someone else looking back at me!

Will be great in a month though when I get my carpal tunnel op and won't be able to blow dry my hair for a few days. At least it will be tidy.

Alan laughed when he saw it. But then he always does. Monkey!

Friday again peeps.

Roast leg of lamb in the oven so all that remains to do this evening is pour a nice glass of merlot, eat lamb and relax.

Well that's the plan :D xx

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