Should have stayed in bed!!!! (backblip)

Bad day today!

Firstly ..... had a bad night ........ didn't get to sleep until gone 5am this morning! So of course I was late up!

Then ....... decided to go into town as there were 4 things I needed to get. You've guessed it ....... I only managed to get 1 of them!

While in town ....... my watch ...... which I've only had for a few weeks ....... went on the blink! The only hand that was still moving was the second hand!! I know that means it shows the right time twice a day ...... but that doesn't help the rest of the time!

Hubby came home from work ...... he had had a bad day too!!!

Then ...... to top it all ....... my camera went wrong!!! I couldn't get access to change the settings ...... nor could I get it to focus! Grrrrr!!!!!

So not being at my most patient ...... I removed the battery & stuck it away in the cupboard!!! Hope I can sort it out tomorrow!!!

So as the title says ......... I should have stayed in bed today!!!

Rant over ........ thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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